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Built to Teach x  Your District

Every week, I've been able to take something that I've learned here and apply it to my work as a social worker.

For example, I created a presentation to help educators who are working with children who are deeply feeling children – children who are often misunderstood as being defiant – and I was able to, through reflecting through these sessions, take some of things I learned and connect that information working with those children to a larger restorative and equity model in the presentation. It’s been really great and I'm looking forward to doing more. 
–Christine Avila, Social Worker

This training has really awakened a thirst in me to learn more and more and more.

I've always wanted to think of myself as a reflective practitioner, but you get so caught up in this fire to put out and that crisis that has to be handled and this deadline that you forgot about and this last minute meeting that you're not reflecting and you're not thinking about how the little decisions that you make day by day are affecting your students for their whole lives.  I've been exposed to new literature. I'm reading about topics that intimidated me before. I’m so glad I did this.
–Patty Kempker, Literacy Leader

The core principles: love, joy, and justice. 

When I look at those three, love and joy are things that I feel are things I can understand. Justice was definitely a weak point for me. I always think of that as the not so fun part, so I avoid it. But learning through the sessions how it can be done and moving forward with the mindset that we can and will take care of all of our students has really affected me. I’m thankful for the time to be challenged.
–Scott Dart, Principal

This work has shed new light on what it means for me to be an educator. 

I’ve come back week after week to think about whether or not I am operating as the leader I want to be. It's led me to redirect how I'm using my time, to reframe some of the conversations I'm having with staff and students, and to internally prompt myself with the question: Am I helping unleash the radical potential of this person in this moment? I've been keenly aware and attuned to better aligning and anchoring my actions. It's creating that little voice in my head: Are you living this? Do these words help this? Does this action help? This is next-level.
–Shawna Chambers, Assistant Principal